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Alex De la pena

hi my name is alex de la pena i am 16 years old and i need to make money and save up my

family as tough problems and struggling in finances and i need to help out with some of the

bills and take care of my own expenses and first i want to save up for a car were a family of

5 and with only one car and money is extremely tight so if you could please give me a call

for a job you have no idea how much i would appreciative it i know I'm not 18 yet but i

really need this job and i love kids and i have plenty of experience Thank you and the one

this that keeps me busy during the school year and the summer i am part if a non-profit

organization called the national Hispanic institute it is a leadership/debate program this

program provides Latino families, nationally and internationally, with private experiences on

American college and university campuses that are specially designed to advance th

educational aspirations of thousands of high school age Latino youth.

it is for freshmen-senior high school students.

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