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Amanda White

I enjoy being with and educating children.
I know sign language and enjoy teaching it to children.

Warren High School 2002-2005
American Sign Language Warren High School
Relevant Experience:
Babysitting for family & friends
Volunteer at Westminster Preschool 2007 -2008
Babysitting and Teaching American Sign language 2009-Present
The little boy I currently baby-sit for has begun pre school. I have worked with him on sign language, numbers, colors and have him set on a schedule as a preschool would do.
Other Experience:
Steve & Barry’s Vienna, WV Nov. 2006 - Feb. 2007 Stocking
Westminster Preschool 2007 - 2008 Aid
Job Training Holiday Inn (cleaning rooms) Giant Eagle (stocking) © 2009-2024 Orpheus Media