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Debbie Lewis

Deborah Lewis
08 March 1976

Personal Statement
I spent six years (1995-2001) travelling around the world. During this time, I undertook a variety of roles including childcare, HR, administration and customer service. Predominantly, I visited Australia and the United States.

Employment History

AMEY, C/O NPIA, Bramshill, Hook, Hants
Sunday Receptionist
April 2007 Onwards
Responsible for issuing of keys, booking in guests (civilian and police), answering the telephone, booking transportation, trouble shooting, offering solutions to minor room problems and any other adhoc customer service problem.

K.B.S.E, Southern Cross, Basing View, Basingstoke
Maintenance Administrator
July 2001 – July 2008
Supervising a team of field engineers, managing housing association accounts, offering a fast and effective service to customers, clients and field personnel. Any other administrative task requested.

1995 – 2001
Various positions whilst travelling around the world. I undertook office roles, childcare and customer service.

Qualifications Grade
CIPD – Certificate in Personnel Practice (2008) Pass

A/S Applied Business Studies Pending
A Level English Language Pending
A Level English Language and Literature (2009) C
A Level Psychology (2002) E
A Level English Literature (1995) E
A Level Communication Studies (1995) E

Drama B
English Language B
English Literature B
French B
Media Studies B

Law C
Maths C
Child Development C

I enjoy anything connected with the performing arts. I enjoy spending quality time with my family and encouraging them to learn. Dining out and the cinema are equally enjoyable past times. © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media