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Geraldine Vickers

I have worked with my church during summer holidays "Summer Holiday Club". This included babies, toddlers and children.
I have worked in Ernesford Grange Primary School in the pre-school and nursery section for a short period. (0-5 year old's)
I have worked in Mount Nod Primary School from Jan 2010-June 2010- I have a reference from the Dept Head. I worked in the Year 1 class (5-6 year old's)
I am currently working in Coventry Uni Nursery (0-4 year old's) where I am expanding my EYFS knowledge and learning new skills.

---My Qualification's---

GCSE Music - A
GCSE Drama - A
GCSE German - B
GCSE Science double award - BB
GCSE German - B
GCSE English Literature - C
GCSE English - C
GCSE Religion - C
GCSE Graphics - C

AS Level Music - E
AS Level English Literature - D
AS Level Human Biology - E

GNVQ ICT - Pass (This counts as 4 GCSE's)

Level 3 Communication Award

Emergency First Aid Certificate 2010 (I will be gaining a full award next year through college © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media