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Gretel Pedersen

Gretel Pedersen.
Date of birth: 2/3/1996
36 Besser Crescent, Burnie.

Tasmanian Eschool. (Year 9.
English. Mathematics.
Art. Science.
Childcare. Society and history.
Health and wellbeing.

Personal statement.
I am 15 years of age, I am looking for casual work in childcare, Retail, Hospitality . I am experienced at all of these and am reliable, responsible, trustworthy, punchal and well presented.

The Grove Café, Burnie.
Cleaning. Managing the cash registers. (eftpos,cash,Etc.)
Waitressing. Running earns.

Babysitting- Casual.

Sheree Hodgetts Caroline Cornish.
Teacher Business Owner
Burnie High School The Grove Café. © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media