Juanita Smith
46095 Bole Ave
Chilliwack, BC. V2P 2V9
Job Objective: Seeking a position as a part time or full time babysitter
-Excellent ability to handle youngsters in the age group of 2 months to 8 years old
-babysitting experience
-Flexible - willing to take on a variety of tasks
-Neat, efficient, thorough
-Willing to do extra work to gain valuable experience
-Attentive to time schedules
Related Skills And Abilities
Cooking Skills:
-Preparing Meals
-Cooking Meals
Housekeeping Skills:
-sweeping floors & mopping them
-vaccuming floors
-cleaning & drying dishes
-cleaning bathrooms (toliets, tubs/shower, sinks, mirrors, and floors)
-taking out garbage (bathroom, kitchen, and household)
Personal Qualities:
-Always on time to work
-Enjoy working with people and helping others
-Good communication skills
-Strong sense of responsibility
-Gets along with others
-Reliable and prompt
-Cheerful outlook, positive attitude
Work History: 2011-present Babysitter
Self-employment - Babysitting, helping my younger brother with homework, doing dishes
Education and Training:
Heritage Park Secondary School, Mission, BC.
June 2008, GPA 3.0
References: I have available references I can give you. Get in touch with me personally for them.