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Katrina Walton

Katrina Walton
3419 Isabelle, Inkster, MI 48141

 Education
 Robichaud High School, Dearborn Hts., Michigan 2006-present
 Work Experience
 Childcare, YMCA center, Livonia, MI, July-Sep.2009
 Provide childcare from ages 2-5yrs. Old
 Care for 2 to 7 children at a time
 Feed
 Entertain
 Teach
 Train
 Help child when needed
 Volunteer Experience, Inkster fire department, Inkster, MI, Dec. 2009(winter)
 Stand outside and collect donations for children for Christmas
 Volunteer, home
 Feed and provide meal
 Help when needed
 Pet care
 Interact with birds
 Interact with dogs
 Feed clean
 Watch over pets
 Achievements
 Honor roll 2007-09
 Leadership award (physical science)
 Attendance
 Citizenship award 2001-08
 Skills Accountable
 Computer Skills
 Microsoft word
 Internet explorer
 Power point
 Other skills
 People person
 Mathematical skills
 Teaching skills
 Listening skills
 Communication © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media