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Marissa Cuevas

My name is marissa, I have worked at a daycare for four years and currently still working there. I am interested in going off on my own and providing childcare at my home and i am currently pursuing child care courses online. I have background check CPR and first aid certified. I enjoy being creative and providing activites, learning experiences, and providing idividual attention to each child.
some of my hobbies are crafts,drawing,and dancing.
Some of my interests are humane treatment of animals,child welfare,and cosmetology,
Your child will feel she/he is at a home away from home.

Reference Details:
Name: * Trina Zelek
Description: previous babysitting client

Reference Details:
Name: Treva Deihl
Description: previous babysitting client

Reference Details:
Name: Tinas Tykes
Description: daycare see tinas tykes on facebook with pictures of me.

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