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Montana Scott

I'm sorry to say, that i do not have a formal resume completed at this time, however, here is an informal one:

Name: Montana Scott
Hobbies: Sports, Reading, Cooking
Achievements: Won the "French Award of Excellence" in grade 8 year.
Participates in gifted studies, recently attended the "Queens University Enrichment Studies Program" and the "Trent University Mini Enrichment Courses" in 2009 and 2010.
Participated in "Think Bowl", a competition where kids and teens solve global issues through language and drama. Competed in 2006,2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
Made the honour role in her grade 8 graduating year, best grade was a 90 in French.
Was her baseball team's MVP in 2009.

Former Jobs: Babysitting, Tutoring, and delivering newspapers for the Peterborough Examiner.

References: send me an e-mail, I would be happy to give you references. © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media