Naomi-Jayne Owen
210 Horseley Heath Tipton
I would like to be able to work with children of all ages and disabilities, i even am willing to look after new born babys as i have grown up helpin my mom with 4 young children including new born twins.
I have succeed in getting all the grades i have wanted.
I have exsperience with special needs children and am willing to look after them.
I would like to be a baby sitter as a start off point to my working life.
My skills are as follows:
I am very good at calming children down, quickly without being able to rase my voice.
I am very patient which i have learnt from looking after my younger brother.
My refrences are
Counciler Beatrice Owen
7 Tozer Street Titpon
She is my nan.
Mrs Norman
Alexandra road Tipton
A former teacher