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Riya Guevarra

emplyment history:( from present to past)

1) DIANA CHOW (employer)
My main duty is to take care of her because she is an elderly. I also do cooking, ironing, marketin, laundry. I worked with from Aug.28,2009 up to present but she needs to release me bacause of financial priblem on her side.

2) TAO ROCKMAN (employer)
My main duty was childming with children ages 6 and 11. i also do ironing, cooking, laundry, car washing, marketing ang general household chores.

3) LI KWOK LAN (wmployer)
I worked with 4 adults in this family and amy duties include, cooking, marketing,ironing,laundry and gen. household chores. I worked with them for 3 years and 8 months but they moved for good to china © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media