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Shannon Clarke

Year 10 in Secondary School.
Studying English, Maths, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education, BTEC ICT and French GCSEs.
Studying extra Child Development, Psychology and Art GCSEs.

Extra Curricular:
Completed Bronze DofE.
On the school Netball team.
British Red Cross Babysitting Course.
British Red Cross First Aid Course.
British Red Cross Life Choices Course.
Julia's House Volunteering Course.
Work Experience: Assistant at St. Aldhems First and Middle School.
Part of the Open Access Volunteering team for young people.
Volunteer fundraiser for Julia's House.
Volunteer as assistant at local Nursing and Residential Home.
Volunteer at/for local events: Merley Opportunity Fund Panel, Focus on Youth Assistant, Olympic Torch Events, Library Story Lab Assistant.
Have been a Reading Mentor for younger children.
Have been a member of the School Council.

Good listener and willing to help children with learning such as homework or hobbies.
Enjoy spending time with and looking after both family and family friends children.
Would love to gain more experience in working with and helping children as would love to persue a career in teaching. © 2009-2025 Orpheus Media