I have takecare a boy 6month last time , but after decided to let her own mum takecares instead .
I'm only 18 this yr , but not to worry i know how to takecares .
house clean , but i have two dogs at home but dun worry they nvr enter y rm and never bite people .
if u need give your child air-con then i can on for your kids .
I have my own baby girl as well only 4 going to 5months .
i have takecare of her since she was born .
I love baby alot .
Finding a baby or kids to takecare urgent .
either part or full time , or night all is available .
Can call me and ask . at 83882429 .
Needed to work but can't work cus no one help me to takecare of baby ,
income is really tight .
Cause currenly mu husband is under ns so pay is really low to takecare of 3 ppl ,
hope someone can trust me let me takecare of you all baby ,
i hope got a lonq term want , dun takecare for awhile please .
price is depend of how lonq u want me takecare .
for more informantion please call at at 83882429 i'm connie here .