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Evangeline Tucaling

Evangeline Tucaling


Canada L6S 1X9


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Hi my name is Evangeline, vangie for short from Philippines and I've been here in Canada for five years. I finish my degree in Philippines as a Bachelor of Science in Criminology. Due to the situation of our country it's very hard to find a job, so I decided to work outside the country which is in Singapore. I worked in Singapore for four years as a baby sitter of two kids a boy and a girl ages from 0 age or a new born baby and 4 yrs.old. After Singapore I went to Taiwan for three yrs. as a Domestic Helper. My duties includes baby sitting for 3 kids two girls & 1 boy they're ages was 10yrs. old, 6yrs.old & the youngest was 2 yrs old boy. After 3 yrs I transfer to Hongkong I worked there for 1yr. & 8 months


$ 6.00 Canadian Dollars Per Hour
Normally I don!t say anything about the charges only the parents would tell me how they"re gonna pay me for a week, because they know how much is the minimum payment for a baby sitter but most of them pay me more than the minimum because they like or appreciate my service to them.

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