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Joanna Gibson

Joanna Gibson


Canada K7P 2H8

Additional Info:

I'm a certified Early Childhood Educator as well as a mother of 3 that is willing to provide childcare in my smoke-free home.

We do arts and crafts, story reading, colouring, building, baking, outdoor play which includes sand & water activities and also some gardening and soon fun in the snow. We do walk to a near by school and park to play on the swings and climber,We always have lots of fun here!!

I'm open from 7:30 am -5:30 pm, Monday-Friday.

Please feel free to contact me if you think I'm right for you! :)
Thank You


I have a very reasonable rate, $30 a day, which inclundes lunch and 2 nutritional snacks.

Services Offered


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