Baby Carers - Find Carers and Baby Carer Teachers
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Baby Carers - Find Carers and Baby Carer Teachers
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Tia Seaborne


United Kingdom CF3


Additional Info:

i am turning 13 next month an have experience of minding children as i minds my neices and cousin i am very good with children an stick to the rules you give me there are two of us that will help i can go to place's which are llanrumney or rumney me and my friend are a very good team we can help children with there homework or reading i like to help kids i could do evenings after school and weekends an what ever you think you should charge me is up to you but no less than £10 please


i would rather you say a price but no less than £10 please.

Services Offered

Babysitter, Nanny (part-time), Nanny (after school)

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